You can perform a WHOIS look-up to view current registration and ownership details of any registered domain name below.
Domain Privacy
Protect your Domain Name, and keep your personal information safe.
NZ domains as low as $5.00/year
gTLD as low as $10.00/year

Keeping your personal information private
Preventing Domain Hijacking
Some people might try and access your details to spread malware and send spam. By protecting your domain names, you are hiding the information they need to do this.
Avoid Spammers and Scammers
Stop spammers from contacting you. Stop your details being used to send SPAM. Keep your business name squeaky clean by not being associated with junk email or scams.
Hide Your Personal Information
Keep your private details off the WHOIS database by replacing them with ours. You still own the domain, but your details won’t be visible to the public.
Stay In Full Control
At all times you are in full control of your domain name, Domain Privacy acts as a safeguard shield only.
Enable Privacy, Keep Your Information Safe